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Right about now you might be wondering to yourself… What exactly am I looking at?

I have pondered on that as well and wanted to offer a quick bit of information about me to start.
Greetings! I am Brittany Darby a marketing artist, mom, community member and doula in training. In the process of establishing my marketing business, I was confronted with a burning question.

What are you doing for your community?

In considering this, I realized that my community, was lacking in support for some of our most vulnerable and valuable members. Thus, my Doula studies and offerings began. I am deeply driven to provide the best possible solutions and assistance I can for all of my clients across industries and utilize my ability to organize and prioritize to help me navigate these two very different spaces. As you get to know me it will be a lot easier to see how these puzzle pieces fit together, in the meantime please look around and send me a message with any questions you might have!

Empowering individuals and organizations to embrace their unique potential, encouraging extraordinary expansion and transformation.